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More News

24 May 2012Forum virusWhen checking my email this morning, I was told there was a virus on the forum, JS/Iframe.DK to be precise.

For security reasons, I immediately shutted down the whole server when I got the email. It is not going to be back up before I know it is completely safe to use (and know what/how/when it happened). As far as I know, it probably happened between 6am and 2pm GMT today and I'm almost positive it is just one malicious forum post.

Trac/Subversion is also down so if you need the latest revision from subversion, you can always download it from our nightly build server.

I will keep you posted. I am really sorry for the inconvenience.
8 Apr 2012Aircrack-ng in moviesI'm happy to see that Aircrack-ng is used in movies; a friend of mine send me that screenshot this morning. Too bad they removed the beginning of the name but we can still recognize it easily and have a rough idea when it was shot. If you ever see it in any other movie, please let me know.

By the way, the news on April 1st was an April fools'.
1 Apr 2012WPA Flaw let us crack the PMK in a few minutesToday we are very proud to announce the we found a flaw that let us crack WPA in just a few minutes no matter what the passphrase length is. You can find more details in the blog.
5 Feb 2012Commercial support surveyWe are going to also offer commercial support (besides other existing support options) and I'd like to ask you to take 5 minutes of your time to give your opinion in this survey if you're interested in.
Do not hesitate to contact me if you have any question about it.
25 Jan 2012OpenWIPS-ng logo contestI launched a few months ago another project, OpenWIPS-ng, an Open Source Wireless IPS. We need a logo and that's why there's a contest. The prize for the winner is $250. More details on the website.
25 Jan 2012UpdatesI've seen a couple of post in the forum asking if the project was still alive since there was no update on the website. Yes it is still alive as you can see on trac and Twitter, I just haven't been updating the website.
By the way, you should use the version from our subversion instead of the stable, lots of things have changed.

For those on IRC, we finally got a cloak for the project. And it is not limited to the developpers of Aircrack-ng. So if you help others on a regular basis (in IRC or the forum) or if you did a significant contribution to the project (important fix or change), contact me to get yours ;-)
24 Sep 2010Monthly newsMonthly news, September 2010.
15 Aug 2010Monthly newsMonthly news, August 2010.
14 Jul 2010Monthly newsMonthly news, July 2010.
7 Jun 2010Monthly newsMonthly news, June 2010.
22 May 2010Maintenance on the storage serverMaintenance is planned Thursday, May 27 around 6PM GMT on the storage server that host download.aircrack-ng,, and a few others. It should take around 2 hours. Forum and trac as well as the main website won't be affected, I made sure Murphy is locked up and well guarded ;)
20 May 2010Trac and Forum up againThe server hosting Trac and Forum has been completely replaced (with the exception of the hard disk) and it now works fine. You can read more in the blog.
19 May 2010More details about trac and forum downThe server hosting trac and forum is still down but it will be up soon. You can read the whole story in the blog.
18 May 2010Trac and Forum downThe server hosting Trac and Forum is currently down. You can already get some information about it on Twitter and I'll give more details tomorrow. Sounds like migration will happen earlier than expected ;).
4 May 2010Monthly newsMonthly news, May 2010.
24 April 2010Aircrack-ng 1.1 releasedAircrack-ng 1.1 is now released. A lot of bug fixes (including the buffer overflow in different tools) and improvements have been done. The most noticeable changes are the addition of airdrop-ng by TheX1le and the interaction in airodump-ng.
6 April 2010Monthly newsMonthly news, April 2010.
2 April 2010April FoolYesterday's news was an April fool. I hope you enjoyed it ;).
1 April 2010Backcrack-ng v1.1Aircrack-ng was aquired by the BackTrack Team. You can read more on Backtrack and on my blog.
21 March 2010Mailing list and monthly newsletterThe poll and the enthusiasm of the posters in the forum convinced me and I created the monthly newsletter mailing list. I also took the time to create a public mailing list. You can read more in this blog post.
11 March 2010Poll: Monthly newsletterWould you be interested in getting the Monthly news in your email inbox too? If you're interested, vote or leave a comment in this forum thread or even email me.
02 March 2010Monthly newsMonthly news, March 2010.
26 February 2010Enhanced TKIP Michael AttacksA new paper about TKIP attacks was released by hirte: Enhanced TKIP Michael Attacks.
26 February 2010Airdrop-ngAirdrop-ng from TheX1le is now available in our subversion repository. Here is the video of the talk at Shmoocon 2010.
03 February 2010Monthly newsAs promised, here is the monthly news in the blog.
20 January 2010Wiki and Trac search engineWiki and Trac implements OpenSearch and it can be added to your browser. You can read more in the blog.
14 January 2010TwitterYou can now follow us on Twitter.
03 January 2010Happy new year, news, etc …You can read more in the blog.
30 November 2009New version of Slitaz Aircrack-ng releasedA new version of the Slitaz Aircrack-ng Distribution has been released.
17 November 2009New version of Slitaz Aircrack-ng releasedA new version of the Slitaz Aircrack-ng Distribution has been released.
08 September 2009Aircrack-ng 1.0 released1.0 final is released (a few bugs fixes have been done since rc4) and you can now see the new website too. More information in the blog.
05 September 2009Contests @ Brucon Wireless workshopsI'll give a workshop friday and saturday (in around 2 weeks) at Brucon and there will be a contest each day where you can win an ALFA AWUS036E. More information in the blog
27 July 2009Aircrack-ng 1.0rc4 releasedAircrack-ng 1.0rc4 is released. Again a lot of improvements and bug fixes. Hopefully this will be the latest release candidate before 1.0 final if no big bug(s) are found :)
04 July 2009New version of Slitaz Aircrack-ng releasedA new version of the Slitaz Aircrack-ng Distribution has been released.
5 May 2009New version of Slitaz Aircrack-ngA new version of the Slitaz Aircrack-ng Distribution has been released.
25 April 2009Website upAfter 1 week of downtime due to a DoS, the website is now up. Thanks to everybody who helped. I also would like to recommend to the author of that DoS to read the following post.
2 April 2009April foolThe news of yesterday was an April fool :)
1 April 2009Airodump-ng now works with native wireless driver on Windows Airodump-ng now works with native wireless driver on Windows. More information on the blog. Here is the video.
26 March 2009Aircrack-ng 1.0rc3 releasedAircrack-ng 1.0rc3 is released. Updating is recommended, there was a lot of bug fixes and improvements.
25 March 2009Forum upThe forum is finally up. The new URL is The good news for you is that you can keep all your bookmarks (including RSS feeds) to the old address, they will be redirected automatically to the new one. More details on the blog.
23 March 2009Nightly tarball and forum downThere are two news items today. The good news is that we now have nightly tarballs (from subversion) at The bad news is that the forum database ran out of space and it was stopped (nothing was lost) so it will have to be moved elsewhere (More information on the blog).
18 March 2009New website creation on-goingWe are currently working on a new website, and more precisely on the entry of More information can be found in the forum (news and poll) and in the blog.
14 March 2009New blogI just created a new blog for aircrack-ng (better than the previous one :) )
31 January 2009New version of Slitaz Aircrack-ngWe are pleased to announce the release of the Slitaz Aircrack-ng Distribution which can be run off a CD or USB. The USB version also allows for persistent changes.
22 January 2009Aircrack-ng 1.0rc2 releasedAircrack-ng 1.0rc2 is released. Updating is recommended, there was a lot of bug fixes and improvements and 2 new tools were added: airdecloak-ng and tkiptun-ng. On Aircrack-ng, WPA bugs should be fixed and speed was greatly improved for computers that supports SSE2. Latest version of Airgraph-ng and Airoscript were included in this release.
27 december 200825C3We are at 25C3 and I took a phone. The phone number is 5500 and it is linked to a real phone number: +49 (0)4615056623 5500.
20 december 2008Forum onlineThe forum is back online.
6 december 2008Trac and forum upTrac and forum are now up.
5 december 2008Forum downThe forum is currently down. We are currently working on this issue.
3 december 2008Airoscript updatesFor those who wondered what became airoscript, it is alive. XayOn has been working on it for a few weeks and he just released a new version.
17 November 2008WPA Workshop at UNAMI'll give a workshop about WPA at INTROMISÓN (UNAM University in Mexico) next week.
8 November 2008Attacks on WPA TKIP - get the right informationYou can get the right informations about the recent news on WPA by reading this article from ars technica. Here is the paper, Practical attacks against WEP and WPA written by Martin Beck and Erik Tews (it describes advanced attacks on WEP and the first practical attack on WPA).
8 November 2008Workshop BrusselsThe address for the workshop this sunday in Brussels (at Okno) is confirmed: .
7 November 2008WPA TKIP exploit paperThe start of the Techniques Papers section of the links page contains articles which describe the new WPA/TKIP exploit.
7 November 2008Tarball of our SVN repositoryHere is a tarball. Get the latest version from our subversion repository. It already contains tkiptun-ng and airdecloak-ng.
6 November 2008Reaction about recent WPA newsI'd like to react to the recent WPA news on slashdot, PCworld, ITworld, cnet and others because they are mixing a lot of information: Martin Beck, a member of the team, is the author of the new tool but not the author of aircrack-ng suite. You can get more information about this new tool here (including installation instructions). More information will be given tomorrow.
6 November 2008Airdecloak-ngThe tool to filter wep cloaking announced at Defcon 16 is now published (in our subversion repository): airdecloak-ng.
4 November 2008Aircrack-ng logo contestAircrack-ng logo has now more than 2 years, it's getting old and we would like to have a new logo. That's why we are launching a contest. The prize is a t-shirt with the new logo. More information can be found here.
4 November 2008Brussels workshop - informationSome more information about the workshop: there's no admission fee, you don't have to pay or register to attend it. The workshop will be done in english. Last but not least, it is not only for experts, it's also for beginners. I'll take some hardware, so don't forget to bring your laptop if you want to play with wireless.
27 October 2008Brussels workshopI'll give a workshop about aircrack-ng at Brussels the 9 November 2008 at 14h (2pm). It should be done at Okno (Koolmijnenkaai 30/34 Quai aux Charbonnages – 1080 Brussel). Bring your laptop. The address will be confirmed here the day before.
26 October 2008Defcon presentationDefcon presentation is available in PDF and there's also the video.
15 August 2008Defcon ath5k patch and presentationDefcon ath5k frequency patch is avalaible on The presentation will be available soon.
22 June 2008ph-neutral pictures publishedph-neutral pictures are now published (
9 June 2008Aircrack-ng 1.0 rc1 releasedAircrack-ng 1.0 rc1 is now released.
12 May 2008VMware Aircrack-ng updatedA new version of the VMware appliance is released (drivers and aircrack-ng updated and added rt73 driver).
9 April 2008Sharkfest picturesSharkfest and San Francisco pictures are published (
24 february 2008Shmoocon picturesShmoocon pictures are published (
24 february 2008Aircrack-ng 0.9.3 releasedAircrack-ng 0.9.3 is now released (mainly fixing endianness bugs).
5 february 2008Aircrack-ng 0.9.3 releasedAircrack-ng 0.9.2 is now released. It should be the last release of the 0.X series (it's a maintenance release).
1 february 2008Aircrack-ng 1.0 beta2 releasedAircrack-ng 1.0 beta2 is now released.
4 january 2008Sharkfest talkI will make a talk at Sharkfest '08. More details on this forum post.
3 january 2008Security-Database awardWe got an award from for Aircrack-ng. We got “Best” in category “Penetration Tests - Wireless Hacking”. See forum post.
31 december 200724C3 pictures (update)All pictures of the 24C3 are now published ( The videos should follow in the next days.
28 december 200724C3 picturesSome pictures of the Chaos Communication Congress (24C3) are published at
27 december 200724C3 - Phone numberIf you're at the CCC, you can call us at 5500; it's also linked to this number: +49 (0) 461 505 66 23 5500.
25 december 200724C3We (hirte and I) will be at the CCC. I will have my DECT phone again and will be callable at 5500 during the congress.
25 december 2007Merry christmas and happy new yearWe wish you a merry Christmas and a happy new year.
14 december 2007Backtrack 3 beta releasedBacktrack 3 beta released, see forum news for more information.
24 october 2007New version of Aircrack-ng VMWareA new VMware virtual machine is available. See this page for more information.
11 October 2007New buildbot computerWe received a new computer (with 2Gb RAM) to host buildbots; it should be installed tomorrow. It will replace the old server.
8 October 2007Wildpacket driversWe receive a lot of e-mails asking if Windows (wilpackets and others) driver will support such chipset or such card. Please stop sending such questions, we do not know because these drivers are closed source and we do not develop them.
1 October 2007Aircrack-ng betaA first beta of 1.0 is released. New tools and and a lot of improvements (and bug fixes) were made on this version compared to 0.X.
26 September 2007Anti-virus detecting Aircrack-ng as a virusAvast Antivirus (and maybe others) flags aircrack-ng 0.9.1 (windows) as a virus, it's a false positive. I contacted them to fix that issue.
26 September 2007WinAircrackI received several mails about WinAircrack but we do not develop it and I have no way to contact the author to forward him the mails.
29 August 2007New computer cancelled, already soldThe new computer is cancelled, it was already sold.
28 August 2007New computer for buildbotsI should get the new computer to host VMWares tomorrow. It will be up and running next week.
24 August 200724C324th Chaos Communication Congress is just announced. We will be there ;)
21 August 2007Account creating disabled due to wiki vandalNo more account (reading doesn't require an account) creation will be allowed due to a recent vandalism to the wiki.
Account cleanup will be done and only known users will have an account.
If you need to edit the wiki, tell us in IRC or on the forum.
19 August 2007Photo albumA photo album was created to browse more easily the pictures taken during Defcon and CCC.
Videos: Defcon and Chaos Communication Camp 2007
18 August 2007BuildbotsA new VMWare server to host buildbots should be installed next week.
14 August 2007Forum upThe forum is now up and running. Nothing was lost ;)
13 August 2007Forum downThe forum is currently down for an unknown reason. It should be resolved tomorrow.
11 August 2007Pictures movedThere was not enough space to host all pictures and videos of CCC2007 and Defcon on this hosting.
Everything was moved to; there will be enough there.
11 August 2007Blog updated everydayThe blog is now updated nearly every day. Pictures/Movies of Defcon and CCC2007 are available here; they will be sorted after the camp and put in the blog album.
1 August 2007New blogThe blog for Defcon and CCC2007 is reachable at
30 july 2007Light VMWare for rt73A second very light VMWare machine (currently works only with RT73) is available.
10 july 2007Defcon and Choas Communication CampThis year I'm going to both Defcon and CCC2007. I should also set up a blog or something like that.
More information to come.
3 july 2007Aircrack-ng 0.9.1 for ZaurusZaurus build for 0.9.1 is available.
25 june 2007Aircrack-ng 0.9.1 releasedAircrack-ng 0.9.1 is released.
24 june 2007Airodump-ng for airpcap availableA modified version of airodump-ng by Cacetech is able to capture data with the Airpcap adapter.
24 june 2007Aircrack-ng Virtual machineA Virtual Machine for VMWare is now available. The whole suite can now be used under Windows or MacOS.
See this page for more information.
15 may 2007Aircrack-ng 0.9 for ZaurusZaurus build for 0.9 is available.
13 may 2007Aircrack-ng 0.9 releasedAircrack-ng 0.9 is released. The main change is the addition of PTW attack (beside usual fixes and improvements).
29 april 2007Aircrack-ng 0.8 for ZaurusZaurus build for 0.8 is available.
25 april 2007Aircrack-ng 0.8 releasedFinally, after a long time, 0.8 is released (contains also the fix for the vulnerability).
17 april 2007Vulnerability in airodump-ngSome days ago a vulnerability was discovered in airodump-ng. It was directly fixed in SVN.
20 february 2007FOSDEMI'm going to the FOSDEM this week-end. If you want to meet me, drop me a line at ;)
29 january 2007Improving the wikiHelp us improving the wiki
29 januray 2007BSD DevelopperWe are looking for a BSD developper to port airodump-ng on BSD.
20 january 2007Aircrack-ng 0.7 releasedAircrack-ng 0.7 is released.
17 december 2006Improving airmon-ngCould you contribute to this iwpriv/iwconfig list to improve airmon-ng?
11 december 2006TracAircrack-ng trac is finally opened.
6 december 2006rt61 injection supportrt61 also supports injection (as well as rt73).
19 november 2006Dokuwiki updateDokuwiki is updated. Recent changes format changed and old changes needs to be converted to this new format. It will be done ASAP.
1 october 2006Aircrack-ng 0.6.2 releasedAircrack-ng 0.6.2 is released.
27 august 2006Aircrack-ng 0.6.1 releasedAircrack-ng 0.6.1 is released.
29 july 2006Newbie guideA newbie guide is being done.
24 june 2006Debian/Ubuntu repos up-to-dateDebian/Ubuntu repos are up-to-date.
23 june 2006Aircrack-ng 0.6 releasedAircrack-ng 0.6 is released.
5 june 2006New release soonNew release soon, see News board on the forum
30 may 2006Debian/Ubuntu repositoryA Debian/Ubuntu repository is provided by Adam Cecile.
30 may 2006Ubuntu/Kubuntu packages removedRemoved temporarily Ubuntu/Kubuntu packages.
20 may 2006Link to Slax moduleAdded a link to Slax module.
19 may 2006Link to Debian unstable packageAdded a link to debian unstable packages.
18 may 2006Ubuntu/Kubuntu 5.10 packages availableUbuntu/Kubuntu 5.10 packages are available (from Gordon McKillop).
16 may 2006Slackware packageA slackware package is now available (that I received by mail).
14 may 2006Aircrack-ng packagesIf you create Aircrack-ng packages for one or more distro and you need webspace to store them, send me a mail and I'll give you a FTP account. If you don't need hosting, you can just add here a link to your website.
10 may 2006Madwifi-ng patch updatedUpdated madwifi-ng patch for r1545.
06 may 2006Transferring wiki docs (update)Big parts of the old website are now available at this wiki (thanks to fab).
05 may 2006Transferring wiki docs I have to copy the content to this place but I don’t have so much time at the moment.
04 may 2006Wiki database destroyedOld wiki database is completely destroyed (the same for backups :/)
15 april 2006Website upThe new site is now up, use Edit on wiki will be disabled and next month all pages will be redirected to the new URL.
8 april 2006New hostingI bought a new hosting. The main changes you'll notice is that the wiki will be faster and there will be a mailing-list.
5 april 2006IRC BotAs you saw, there's a bot (Bibox) announcing forum post and wiki changes (Thanks to D3vil).
2 april 2006HostAP injection patch updatedUpdated HostAP injection patch (Thanks to Zero_Chaos). See HostAP for more informations.
31 march 2006Zaurus Build availableAs promised, Zaurus build is available (and updated drivers).
30 march 2006Aircrack-ng 0.3 releasedAircrack-ng 0.3 is released. There's lots of bug fixes and now madwifi-ng is supported (capture and injection). Zaurus build will follow in a few hours.
30 march 2006IPW2200 injectionYou can inject packets with IPW2200 under certain conditions (see IPW2200Inject).
25 march 2006Bookmark is a temporary URL, please bookmark, I'll have hosting on this domain mid-april. You can already reach the website with this URL.
23 march 2006Aircrack-ng 0.3 informationAircrack-ng (0.3) can now work with both madwifi-ng and madwifi-old. Next week, I'll release it with some other improvement and patches I received.
20 march 2006Aircrack-ng 0.2.1 releasedAircrack-ng 0.2.1 released (Linux and windows versions availables, other builds will follow).
20 march 2006Madwifi-ngmadwifi-ng driver doesn't work very well atm. I plan to work it in a few releases.
19 march 2006Aircrack-ng 0.2 releasedAircrack-ng 0.2 released (Linux, windows and for Zaurus).
7 march 2006Project accepted on sourceforge.netProject accepted on sourceforge.
5 march 2006Project submitted on sourceforge.netProject submitted on sourceforge.
4 march 2006Project submitted on freshmeat.netProject submitted on freshmeat.
3 march 2006BackIt's back.
1 march 2006Wiki downWiki down due to OVH (New SQL server installation).
27 february 2006Forum openedForum is opened.
25 february 2006Wiki createdWiki is created and aircrack binaries for windows are updated to latest version and some other added.
morenews.1337917303.txt.gz · Last modified: 2012/05/25 05:41 by mister_x